The Skinny Daily Post™

Short, daily essays on weight loss and fitness
from a really average woman who lost 100 lbs.
and works every day to keep it off.

Journal Exercises, Toolbox, Eating, Exercising, Gurus, Rewards

Tuesday, January 07, 2003  

Why blog about it?

Ah, well. Here's a beginning. This blog, for me, is self-serving, certainly. I lost 100 lbs a year ago, and learned a lot along the way. But the best thing I learned is the power that writing has in the weight loss and weight maintenance process.

I’ve been a writer for more than 20 years, so of course I’ve always known that journaling is a powerful ally and tool for anyone trying to change mind and behavior, but somehow, oddly, I never connected writing to weight loss until I worked with a local weight loss clinic to lose the weight. The folks there recommended keeping a journal. Reluctantly, I tried it.

I wrote and recorded constantly. I lost weight. I steadily became more fit. And much more aware.

And when I stopped writing, I gained weight back. Ah!

And the next thing happened. After losing my weight, I began a half dozen e-mail exchanges with friends who needed to lose weight. I wrote to these folks daily to encourage them, share tips. And in writing those e-mails, I supported myself while encouraging them. I worked on problems we all were facing. These e-mails supplemented my daily journal, kept me learning and interested in improving my health.

So, now, it’s a new year, and I’m writing those messages here, for my friends old and new. These are my thoughts on the matter. I hope they can be of some help. Of course, I encourage you to write down your own thoughts. It’s the act of writing that’s powerful.


posted by Julie |
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