The Skinny Daily Post
Journal Exercises, Toolbox, Eating, Exercising, Gurus, Rewards

1.17 Clothes that Fit, Measuring progress without the scale
1.23 The Rewards, Two kinds of rewards
1.26 What to Weigh?, Making your own ideal
1.30 What to Wear, Dressing up and down the scale
2.06 Uh oh. Beauty., Exploring your own again
2.13 Hands-on, Massage for losing weight and getting fit
2.23 Hipbones, Finding and celebrating a body part

2.28 On Being Perfect, Don't.

3.06 My Friend Lycra, Underpinnings for your new self
3.09 Half My Size, The new normal
3.13 Rewards Round-up, Ideas for your wish list
3.23 Revelation in the Garden, A surprise reward for JuJu
4.09 Celebrating Your Birthday, A suggestion
5.02 From the Toes Up, Rewarding your whole self
5.15 My Pal Angus, When is a reward not a reward?
6.03 Alive! Alive-O!, Dublin Women's Mini Marathon
6.06 Vacation Wind Down, Writing to remember
6.12 Dining Without Fear, Celebratory Food
6.15 My Dad, Healthy hints from Pop
6.28 Lost and Found, The three faces of JuJu
7.25 Bone Tired, Keep a log to jog your memory
8.03 Skinny Man, Hubby's success
8.12 It's My Party, Stuff to celebrate
8.19 Outside Much?, Reclaiming the outdoors
8.20 Closet Spelunking, Playing in your own closet
8.28 Play Hooky, Make a play date for you
9.03 Kids and Diabetes, Let's cure this
9.22 Oh, I Do Know Squat, Getting back some old moves
9.29 Adjusting Expectations, Taking my lumps
10.03 Going Fetal, Because I can
10.09 Got Glamour?, Margaret Cho and Ava Stander's new line
10.20 Big Fat Chicken(s), Somebody give me a grant
10.24 Mammaneering, Remarkable advances in foundation garment technologies
11.04 Crossing My Legs, The great goal
11.13 Baby Fat, What is beautiful?
11.17 Thunder Thighs?, Find freedom from friction
11.20 The Uninvisible Woman, A subtle reward for weight loss, maybe
12.08 How Very 13, From diet-brained to fitness focused
12.12 Small Comfort, Fitting in shouldn't be so hard
01.08 Stair Master, I do not fear the steep
01.19 Raise Your Inner Puppy, Reward healthy behaviors
02.05 Side Effects of Exercise, A good night's sleep
03.02 The Smallest Things, Little rewards add up