The Skinny Daily Post™

Short, daily essays on weight loss and fitness
from a really average woman who lost 100 lbs.
and works every day to keep it off.

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Friday, February 14, 2003  

Happy Valentines

Happy Valentine's Day everybody.

A good day to think about everyone and everything you’ve been lucky enough to love in your life. Including yourself. Your very own self.

Please spend part of today writing a little Valentine love note to self.

Get out a pink piece of paper, and cut it into a heart shape. Get out a red pen, and write.

* Admire yourself for the good work you’ve done this year.

* Adore every effort you’ve made to protect and increase your health.

* Coo over your newfound understanding of your strengths and weaknesses as recorded in your fitness journal.

* Appreciate your own beauty and the stunning capability of your own body to heal and recover.

* Promise yourself that you’ll take good care of yourself for ever and ever, and even make a list of what steps you’ll take to do that.

* Tell yourself three things in particular that you really like about yourself right now.

Read the valentine back to yourself three times.

Make yourself a nice protein shake made pink with raspberries.

And have a Happy Valentine’s Day.



Valentine’s Day History
Watch this Movie
Something Pink

posted by Julie |
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