The Skinny Daily Post™

Short, daily essays on weight loss and fitness
from a really average woman who lost 100 lbs.
and works every day to keep it off.

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Thursday, February 27, 2003  

Movement for Movements

Yup, I know, I know, some of you have a hard time prioritizing your own health over other needs and responsibilities you encounter in your day, in your life.

Well, you should do it anyway.

But until you learn to take care of yourself for your own sake, let’s look at some opportunites to take care of yourself for the sake of others.

Spring is around the corner (she said through clenched and rattling teeth as she stares balefully at her single-digit predictions).

And that means the walk-a-thons and runs for causes and biking for cures can’t be far away.

Can’t pull your butt out of bed to save yourself? How about to save kids with leukemia? Huh? Or your best friend with breast cancer? Or your mom with multiple sclerosis? How’s that for a good reason mister?


Here’s what you do. You follow these links until you find something that catches your interest. Maybe it even involves visiting an interesting city in the springtime. You grab the sponsorship forms. Maybe snag your family or some buddies to join you, and you commit to one or several of these cause-a-thons.

And then, you know, you train for it.

Let’s all do this. The worldwide mood is at an all-time low. There’s really nothing like a fundraising walk or run or dance or bike ride to remind you of the very best qualities of your fellow humans. There are few greater shots in the heart so great as tacking a number to your body and moving along with dozens or hundreds or thousands of others to raise funds for people who are hurting and hoping.

Who knows? Between the training and the fundraising, you might just form a habit,


Run for Orphans

Walk or Run for the Cure to Breast Cancer

Walk in Avon Walk for Breast Cancer

Walk through Canada for International Development

Race for Cancer Research, UK

Walk to Cure Juvenile Diabetes

Walk in Light the Night Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Event

Endurance Sports for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

Walk to Fight Domestic Violence

Walk to Cure AIDS

Ride for an AIDS Cure, through Italy

Ride for AIDS from LA to San Francisco

Bike or Walk in Multiple Sclerosis Tour

Walk, run, swim, skydive in the UK and raise money for a charity of your choosing

Organize your own walk-, jog-, sing-, dance-a-thon in the U.S.

posted by Julie |
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