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Wednesday, October 01, 2003  

Route Smart
Mapper software

I'm so happy with my new mapping software. It was cheap, it works pretty consistently, and happily, happily, it does exactly what I want it to do. It's Mapper, from Little Red Frog (

Mapper is a simple little distance-measuring application that allows me to import maps I've scanned myself, downloaded or captured online, set a distance scale, and then draw routes that wind and double back, loop and wiggle. When I'm done, mapper tells me how far my route is exactly, in miles or kilometers, inches, nautical miles, furlongs, and more.

Aren't you dying to know just how many furlongs you're covering every week?

This easy little piece of software will save gas, tire wear, and time for walkers, bikers, hikers, skaters, runners, swimmers, anyone moving over land or water, or both, without an odometer, who wants to measure the distance before they go or upon their return.

You can save your routes, edit them later, overlay routes one on another for consulting with fellow runners. Run routes from one map to another, send the maps with their routes around in any of many graphic formats.

Of course what it doesn't tell you is where the hills are, where the wind whips through, where the territorial badgers live, etc. But armed with this smart little program, you can have a reasonable conversation with more experienced folks, or with a hotel concierge when visiting a new town, to plot safe and scenic routes.

It's inexpensive. It works. It saves you hours. And in my book, that makes it a perfect bit of software.


Little Red Frog's Mapper

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