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Sunday, October 12, 2003
Poor Dog
Our dog's weigh-in doesn't go so well
One of my dogs isn't feeling well. He's been battling bronchitis for the past couple of weeks. I don't know what more to do for the poor guy, but am quite sure that whatever I'm doing, it's not enough.
And I think he agrees. The look I'm getting from him suggests there's more I could do. What I have in mind (a different antibiotic, brochodilators) is a little different from what he has in mind (last night's leftover shrimp, some cheddar cheese, softer pillows).
Of course he's had a couple of visits to our vet so far, and the last time, as I collected him, I noted that his weight wasn't written down on the care sheet. So I doubled back and put him on the scale, just to see.
My dog weighs 112 lbs. He's supposed to weigh around 90. In human terms, he's overweight and approaching obesity.
I feel terrible about this. I have been focused on the health of the humans in this place, without giving much regard at all to the real reason we make house payments and work so hard: to provide for the well being of our pets. Oh, sure, we've been entertaining them, petting them, combing them, feeding them, letting them in and out and in and out and in and out. We tell them they are beautiful, approximately a thousand times a day. But we haven't considered their little weight problems, which have been creeping up.
Neither of my dogs are what you'd call Active. They are not anxious to go for a walk, a ride, a romp. They will not chase balls thrown, but will happily watch you throw them and wonder why. They're big thinkers. Not so much doers.
So because they appear to prefer and to be well adjusted to their inertia, it's easy for us to forget that they, like us, need exercise. Even if they don't appear to want it, and even, in fact, when they appear to have better things to do.
My dogs both overeat and undermove, like their owners. But we're going to change that a little, just as soon as my boy's chest clears up. We're not going to work them to pieces, but just a little more than we do now. Actual walks. On leashes.
Look at them, snoring in the corner, having no idea what's in store. And of course getting out with them will be good for us too. I suppose. I guess. Theoretically.
Gee, that leftover shrimp does sound good.
Pet Obesity on the Rise
Tips for Exercising with your Dog, from the BCSPCA
How to Help your Dog Lose the Excess
Dogs Doing Yoga in LA
On the Other Hand, Daniel Pinkwater talks to his dog, Lulu
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