The Skinny Daily Post™

Short, daily essays on weight loss and fitness
from a really average woman who lost 100 lbs.
and works every day to keep it off.

Journal Exercises, Toolbox, Eating, Exercising, Gurus, Rewards

Thursday, May 08, 2003  

Travel Plans

Okay, Puddins’. Here’s the poop on the next few days.

I’m like a crazy person, wrapping up projects, putting plants in the ground, grooming animals, prepping the house for houseguests, and packing to move to Ireland for a month or so.

When I get there, I’ll figure out what my Internet connectivity is ASAP, but until I’m able to get back online, The Skinny Daily Post will be down for a bit. I’m particularly sorry to my many new friends. (We’re way up in subscriptions over the past few weeks, topping 700 skinnies now.)

I don’t want to leave anybody without their daily prod, though. So here's much more to read. These folks each keep terrific weight loss and fitness blogs, each in his or her own style. Incredible stuff:

Or how about starting a blog of your own over the next couple of days? These writers, and this writer, find it really helps us stick to our goals, our ways of eating, our exercise commitments, to "report in” every day or every so often. The blog waits for you to tell it the truth.

Or the original, paper blog: A journal. If you haven’t started one yet, now’s a good time.

I’ll be traveling for the next few days and back online as soon as I can manage it.

Will miss you terribly in the meantime, and probably yak your ears off as soon as I’m back up.


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